We make mobility simple, safe and barrier-free
Mobility is a basic human need. Improving the mobility of all people, including people with reduced mobility in public spaces, has been recognised as an important socio-political goal. At the federal level, for example, the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG § 3 Paragraph 3) in its amendment of January 2013 requires full implementation of barrier-free local public transport by 2022.
The demands and needs of road users in public spaces are diverse. Not only disabled people, but also people with restricted mobility such as older citizens, parents with prams and small children, tourists with suitcases or people carrying heavy shopping bags all benefit from barrier-free bus and train stops and barrier-free crossings to pavements and bike paths on the other side of traffic routes.
The informational orientation aids and guidance systems provided by Profilbeton safeguard the needs of all persons in public transport areas far beyond the borders of Europe. Our easy-to-understand and clearly recognisable tactile elements, which are based on the respective needs of the road users, are already being used successfully in South Africa and New Zealand.
Over 1.7 million of our extraordinary Kasseler Sonderbord® and Kasseler Sonderbord plus® bus cape stones were installed at bus stops worldwide by 2019. The Kasseler Querungsbord® system and our patented Kasseler Rad-Gehweg-Trennstein are also indispensable components of the barrier-free mobility chain across Europe.